NSW Australia

Welcome to Tamworth Bridge Club.

Clubhouse pic

Welcome to the Tamworth Bridge Club website. We are situated at 7 Hilton St Tamworth. Plenty of easy parking on the grounds.

A SHORT HISTORY OF THE CLUB - It is generally conceded that Mrs Marjorie Weaver was the originator of the idea to form a Bridge Club in Tamworth. A meeting was held on 10th April 1974, the Club was formed and commenced playing on 24th April at the Adult Education Centre. Membership was $5.00 and table fees were 40c, which included afternoon tea. In September of that year the venue was moved to the Tamworth & District Workmen's Club and subsequently to other locations until 2000, when the current club house was purchased. At the first AGM in April 1975 there were 55 members, which had grown to 92 by 1988. Today's membership is 62 registered players (February 2024). In 1977 it was reported that "Christmas celebrations were introduced this year in the form of an informal lunch followed by bridge for the Wednesday players, with sweets, nuts, two free drinks and Christmas cake being Christmas fare for the Monday evening players." The Tamworth Bridge Club became incorporated in June 1991, which was noted as "a time consuming and frustrating affair".

SESSIONS Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 12.15 for a 12.30pm start.

LESSONS Contact Frank on 6765 4047
BEGINNERS Thursdays 2pm - 4pm

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and content managed by Tamworth Bridge Club 
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